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Meilhan sur Garonne

Town Hall

The old city’s winding alleys will tell you 7 centuries of History and hold many a exciting stroll through the heart of the village in store for you ! The Esplanade du Tertre looks out onto the Canal du Midi & the Garonne plain and offers you a unique scenery.
At the Place d’Armes, many festivals and events are held during the high season, among which local producers’ food markets.
Main city in its district, dynamic Meilhan sur Garonne offers to you many services, handy local shops and high-quality accomodation.

Swimming pool, campsite and many a footpath will allow you leisure-time activities and relaxation. With regard to cuisine suggestions, Chefs and local producers will make you discover gorgeous tastes and premium-selected food products .

1 Place de Neuf-Brisach
47180 - Meilhan sur Garonne

Tel. : 05 53 94 30 04
Fax : 05 53 94 31 27
Email : communedemeilhan.47@wanadoo.fr
Web site : www.meilhansurgaronne.com

Meilhan sur Garonne
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Cartes de la Voie Verte, du Canal du Midi et de la Garonne

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